Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sunday night run

Sadly, this is the last day of my vacation. But I did get a 5K run in this evening. It isn't the 30K that I had planned, but that was scuttled earlier this week. I was out for a planned 12K run on Thursday and after 3.8K I felt something twig in the back of my left quad, I ran for another 100 metres and then the twig turned into a pop. For those who don't follow my made-up lingo for leg pains, the pop hurt a lot. I stopped, massaged it out, made it to 4K and realized I was turning around. I slowed my pace down by about a full minute and just aimed at getting home. Friday I had scheduled a 10K run with a friend and I had to do it, we had cancelled about six times. The first 3K felt manageable but the last 4K (I wasn't tempting fate) was stiff. I took Saturday off and ran tonight. I can feel it back there but whatever was injured isn't hurting too much. I'm really hoping it isn't anything serious because I've finally been stitching together some decent training weeks.