Wednesday, June 13, 2007

8K in the books

Check it out, two consecutive days of morning runs. This is absolutely amazing. At 5:10, Elle started making noises and woke me out of a dead sleep. I got up, checked to see that she was asleep and glanced at the alarm clock in her room. I scratched my head, contemplated the pros and cons of heading back to bed for 15 minutes and decided to forgo any fruitless efforts at sleep and get suited up for a run. My recently adopted marathon training program called for  5-mile (8K, I hate the old imperial system) run.
The weather this morning was not nearly as nice as yesterday, there was a chill and I thought I might experience a small drizzle when I started. But the best part of my run was the fact that I took it out of the neighbourhood and onto the trail. I cannot describe how beautiful it is to watch the sun rise over the Saint John River. Seeing that unmistakable orange tinge blanketing the sky, hearing those few morning birds chirping merrily and the crunch of my shoes hitting the ground. It's exhilarating I've always been amazed at my bizarre capacity to smell dew. Of course, I realize that water doesn't have a smell, but there is just this overwhelming scent of freshness at that early part of the morning.
Alas the run. It was fine. The schedule said to keep it easy. I'm still having trouble with that because my mind really wants to make up for all my lost training. I wanted to keep each split to 4:20 min/K. I did that within plus-minus three seconds for six kilometres, my warm up kilometre was eight seconds slower and my final kilometre was nine seconds faster. I forgot my time but it was pretty darn close to a straight, 8K, 4:20 min/K pace. So you can do the math faster than I. According to my schedule, I should have been running 4:40s.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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