Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tuesday's intervals

Alas Wednesday is my rest day and I feel I deserve it after three solid days of consecutive running. I had a great interval session last night. I opted for 6x800m repeats.
My splits were quite consistent, which is encouraging because the last few times I've done interval sessions my initial splits were on pace and then I started slipping at the end.
For the record they were: 3:01, 3:00, 2:59, 2:55, 3:00 and 2:59.
The 2:55 lap was a bit of an anomaly. I glanced down at my Garmin and I think I misread the pace so I really kicked it up in the last 200 metres and was pleasantly surprised when I crossed the 800 metre threshold. It is one of those sessions where I was finished thinking, "maybe I should add two more repeats just for fun." That is the bizarre thing about intervals is during the lap I'm pushing it to the point where I'm not sure I could go much faster (and still do another repeat) and yet at the end I still have some energy leftover. Perhaps I'm not pushing enough? Anyway, t his is moot because the little voice on my shoulder advised against it, so I went home had a bowl of cereal and dozed off to sleep.
The one interesting side note on this run is that when I calculated the distance and time, I ran 4.8K in 17: 55. I know those splits have 90 second recovery periods built in but that would put me on pace to break my  5K PB. Just something that popped into my head.

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