Thursday, December 29, 2005

One step forward...

As the cliché goes, I'm taking a step forward but not sure if two steps back will soon follow. The ortho specialist has referred me to see a massage therapist to straighten out this hamstring injury. He said I should be looking at four months off of running. Considering I have only laced up the shoes for one easy 5K since the marathon, I'm hoping to be out soon. But I need this massage expert to give me some more expert advice. I can't wait to start running again. I'm thinking of just doing half marathons in the upcoming season and build my base slowly this time. There is nothing fun about nagging injuries. My one fear now is that I'm favouring the leg too much and any hint of injury I'm taking too serious. Let's be serious, it's almost been four months off of running, nothing should take this long to heal.
Lisa got me a gift certificate for Christmas to the Running Room and I plan to put it to good use soon.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Sitting in the hospital waiting to see the specialist. Hopefully I will now get word on when I can resume running. I've never want to run in -15 so badly than right now. My hamstring still feels tight when I run with Belle, but nothing like it did two months ago ... I guess that is what happens with essentially 10 weeks off running.
I don't know what the specialist is going to say. I've done everything by the book: taken the stress off the injury and kept positive. But my doctor wants to make sure there is no long-term damage or risk of re-injuring. I can't argue with that prognosis.
Well, it is 30 minutes and counting ... Just me, the waiting room and a stack of year-old magazines.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sorry again

My blogging has been sporadic because the N.B. legislature has returned and my workload has gone through the roof.
The doctor had given me the green light to start running again. I went for a short 5K run, at an easy 4:40 min/K pace but I felt my hamstring tighten again. So I took another two weeks off of running. I hope to get out soon again, but I don't want to re-injure myself. My goal is to be running full time in January, so I'll ease off now if I have to ... although I really want to be out running right now, the weather is beautiful.