Saturday, October 01, 2005

Saturday run

Perhaps one day I’ll start learning from previous mistakes, such as do not under any circumstances run within two hours of eating a big meal. After those two cheesy slabs of pizza last night most normal people would have heeded the warning. But the smell of that spaghetti sauce and the lure of a nice big chicken breast was just too overpowering.
I started my run at a decent pace but after about a kilometre I started, umm, re-tasting some of Lisa’s amazing sauce … much better the first time. My time was hampered a bit more during the fifth kilometre when my shoelace came undone. If that happens during the marathon I am not going to be a very happy person. Overall, I was happy with the run, despite how dark it was as I wrapped up. I threw the hammer down in the last kilometre -- that felt good. And the I-can-live-without-that-again moment of the run: I was belting out of the trail and I was passing two walkers. I know it was dark but it isn’t as if I’m a silent runner. Anyway as I was passing this woman she jumped and shrieked. It scared the crap out of me.
Anyway, the run: 10K along the trail to about the Irving. I finished in 44:07 with an average heart rate of 162 and max of 182.
Splits: 4:16, 4:32, 4:30, 4:36, 4:45 (tied up my shoe laces), 4:22, 4:29, 4:26, 4:13, 3:53.

Trail -- Irving
Map of Trail -- Irving

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