One of the tragedies of Fridays is my sheer lack of imagination when it comes to bringing a lunch. This typically isn't a bad thing until it comes time for after-work runs. The moment I stepped off the bus I realized if I was going to run I had to eat. As I opened the door and saw Lisa and Elle, I could also smell a Delissio Spicy Chicken Deluxe pizza in the oven. How could I resist? I figured it can't hurt that much. Man was I wrong.
I left for my run just after 7:30 p.m., and it was cold. Fall is definitely upon us. Anyway, I was half way out and I could really feel the pizza coming back to haunt me. My run was not bad overall, aside from the sloshy stomach sensation. It was quite dark when I wrapped up.
So my key info from today's 9K run.
Total time: 39:16. Ave Pace: 4:21. Ave HR: 165
Splits: 4:26, 4:25, 4:17, 4:27, 4:22, 4:20, 4:16, 4:19, 4:21.

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