Monday, January 09, 2006

Thoughts on the table

The wonderful aspect of these thrice weekly massage therapies is all the idle time devoted to random thoughts. Not much I can do as I lay stomach down on a table with this warm sensation enveloping my left knee other than think and blog.
I woke up this morning with only minor stiffness, which I regarded as a significant victory under the circumstances. Neither run this weekend was particularly long or arduous but I hadn't gone back-to-back in months. As well, the surface conditions were not great, leaving open the possibility of slipping. Running on uncertain ground can often lead to sore lower leg muscles, I find, because you are so determined not to lose your footing.
I'm going to take a rest day and try and run once more before Saturday. I'm serious about easing back in, I don't need another injury. We have another 6K planned for Saturday with 10:1s and a 3K on Sunday. I'd be happy with a light 6K this week knee permitting. The running sked we have is nice, it gradually ups the mileage. If I follow it closely, by April I should be able to start building more base Ks in the hope of a summer season peppered with 10Ks and maybe a half tossed in for good measure.
I'm hoping to find a way to continue coming here all season so I can nip any potential injuries in the bud. I could really get used to these massages.
Now don't mind me, I think I may doze off for 10 minutes or so...zzzz.

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