Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tuesday tempo

So I did get out afterall. I had odd pains in my hip, hamstring and knee throughout the day, there were points in the day that I thought I would not get out at all today. Anyway, I got home after spending the day in Saint John and laced up the Asics.
I'm doing my best to start working tempo runs consistently into my program. It is a big learning curve.
I started with a 2K warm up, 5K tempo and finished with a 1K cool down. I really must find a loop around my house that gives me the majority of hills in the first part of my tempo not the last. I know I started the tempo section a bit fast, but the hills in 3K and 4K really slowed me down.
Anyway, here are my splits: 5:02, 4:54, 3:57, 4:04, 4:14, 4:13, 4:03 and 4:57.

Here is the e-mail that I sent out to my RR clinic members tonight.
I apologize, I wanted to get this e-mail out hours ago, but it has been one of those days. Everyone is welcome to run from my house tomorrow night, however, I may not be able to run with you. As I said in my previous note, my wife may be working. But if there is any way for me to lace up with you, I will.
For those who cannot run with the group, we are doing a 3K warm-up and 3K cool down, with at least four hill repeats.
Remember hills are hilarious, so have fun!
"It hurts up to a point and then it doesn't get any worse." - Ann Trason, U.S. ultramarathon runner

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