This first shot was taken by the Fredericton Daily Gleaner and ran A1, above the fold on Monday's paper. Can you spot the fearless blogger?

This is almost the exact same shot but taken off the Run NB website. This time I'm taking a good hard look at my Garmin. I'm trying to figure out whether the GPS is telling me to keep up with the guy in yellow or do so at your own peril. I decided to let him finish in under 34 minutes without me. Good call me on that one.

Here is the customary finish line photo where I look like I'm ready to die. Although I wasn't feeling as bad as this photo suggests. What hurt the most was that I missed the 40-minute mark by seven seconds even though my Garmin told me that I beat it by more than 20 seconds.

These next two shots were taken by my friends over at Running Mania. This shot is when Dani slapped a RM Nation tattoo on my arm. Very cool little thing and it sticks, five days later and it is still there, although a shadow of its former self. This is also a good shot of one of my new racing shirts that I picked up from the Running Room. This is the shirt that when my wonderful wife saw it for the first time she said, "But it's a muscle shirt and you don't have any muscles."

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