Last night after I filed and got Elle in bed, I got the chance to take my fancy new contraption out for a spin. The wind was already gusting and I could tell the weather was going to get quite severe very quickly, so I didn't take the time to program the Garmin. I have many bells and whistles still to try out.
I hit the road and the wind started howling. And at one point as I ran down MacGibbon I saw the street lights and those in houses start turning off as if I tripped over the power plug. It was weird. I did three and a half laps and ran exactly 10K, very cool. The wind at points was so strong on my back as I went up the MacGibbon hill that it felt as if I was on flat land. Conversely it was so fierce on my front as I ran down Adams that I felt like I was going up a hill.
When I got back home, I got to start downloading and uploading and reloading data and programs. It was so cool. I've examined so many charts and graphs that I'm starting to forget what I've done. My one Garmin gremlin that I must get sorted out is that I had a "moving time" of 42:50 but on my charts it has my run as just more than one hour. Bizarre. That throws off my graphs. I likely forgot to hit a button.
I am so stoked about this new toy.

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