Thursday, January 04, 2007

Two nights in a row, wow, this is a first in months! I'm really easing back into my distance to avoid any potential injuries. I did 8K tonight and if you can believe it I have not poured over my Garmin splits to analyze my run. Am I reformed man? Likely not, I just don't want to humiliate myself by comparing my splits to what I was doing before my hiatus. I know that I did the majority of my kilometre splits in around 4:25, with a few closer to 4:10 and a couple others in the "hilly sections" around 4:30. The icy conditions were quite dangerous. Coming around Case St., I was checking my latest split time and I ended up in a push-up position before I knew what was happening. Note to self: don't check the Garmin while turning on an icy corner.
For the next two weeks, I hope to build up my mileage and keep the speed slow, especially on anything above 10K. I'm going to skip speed sessions at least until next week as well because I'm just concentrating on base, base base. I am really excited about throwing myself back at a marathon. As crazy as that may sound! With the half-marathon clinic and a potential late May marathon, I'm so anxious for a wonderful winter of training.

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