I capped off a decent training week on Sunday with a long run. And for the first time in quite some time, it was a long run not just because I took my time. Although my training schedule said I should be running 18 miles on Sunday, I thought that might kill me, so I compromised on 18K. I figured, I had run more than 10K in several weeks, that it might do more harm than good to run 18 miles. Understanding that I had to take it easy, I kept all my splits between 4:40 and 4:55. I had only a few sub-4:40 and only a few higher than 5 minutes. (Although I had a bizarre Garmin error around the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. There was no way I ran 5:53, so I'm assuming I was credited with a few fast splits earlier. Bizarre.) I finished in 1:27:55 or so. I felt great after I ran. My legs are a bit sore today but that's to be expected. Aside from all the little bugs that were flying around the trails, it was a splendid evening run. My wonderful wife had protested my run, which delayed it for a good hour. She kept saying that it was too humid or too hot, but I needed to get in the run. There was really no option. If I'm going to finish a marathon this season, I need to crank up the training, so skipping runs is no longer possible. Running down by the Green and the art gallery, there were a lot of people out for Sunday strolls or jogs, it was really reassuring to see so many people active.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday evening repeats
I have to say, I'm starting to like 800-metre repeats. If I'm going to spend time working on speed drills, I much rather running 800s and 1,000s than 400s or other odd distances. I had a pretty decent workout on Tuesday night, although looking at my splits, one can definitely tell in which direction I was running into the wind. When running into the wind my splits were 3:02, 3:04 and 3:05 and running with the wind, my splits were 2:58, 3:00 and 3:00. I'm still working on a way to eat a bit for supper so I'm not completely sapped for energy when I start my run, but only eating enough so I'm not in pain during my drills. It's a delicate balance that I must admit, I'm still having a difficult time striking.
Blown out of Bouctouche
This season I've told myself repeatedly that I will not dwell on poor race performances until I start actually putting in the training required that should translate into decent race times. That applies to my weekend trip to Bouctouche. I was heading there with the girls anyway, so my dear wife could read Harry Potter in peace and quiet. Friday night I stayed up late so I could buy her book at midnight, got to sleep around 1 a.m., up at 6 a.m. to drive to Bouctouche. My inlaws were waiting at the race start line with my bib, I pinned it to my shirt, warmed up for 15 minutes and then ran. Bouctouche's 10K race is one of my favourites for its nice, scenic route. The first year I ran it, 2005, I benefited from a beautiful wind at my back. This year, my lack of training was exacerbated by a stiff headwind for the entire race. I tried to keep my pace to 4 min/K to 4:05 min/K. That worked for the first 6K or so, then it all went downhill ... just as the course started tilting uphill. I ended up around 43:40, not the 46 minutes the results page lists. The best part of the entire race was finishing and then having the girls waiting for me. That makes any race, even the worst, worth running.
Friday, July 20, 2007

One day, just one day, I hope that I get a decent race finish photo. Look at me, I look like I'm about to die in this photo. To be fair, I passed these three people with about 200 metres to go, so I had really pushed it but, seriously. Just going by this one photo, you'd like they had to airlift me to the hospital after to reset my heart rate. I look to see if there were any fun photos on the Miramichi Rock'n'Run photo site. Sadly, my Internet isn't fast enough right now to make it worth my while.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
An easy Tuesday 10
Normally Tuesdays are supposed to be speed days, but I missed another long run on Sunday and I just wanted a nice leisurely run. Although I kept the Garmin on, I really had a relaxing run. I looked at my splits when I wanted but I mostly just tuned into my iPod and zoned out of everything else. I finished in about 45 minutes, so I definitely didn't push it too much. I kept it along Lincoln Road to make sure I at least got some hills in this run.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tuesday speed drills
After taking my mandatory Monday rest day after the Miramichi 10K, it was speed day in Lincoln Heights. I wish I could say that it went absolutely amazing but that would be overstating things a tad. My first mistake, as seems to always be the case when I run in the evening, is that I ate a bit too much at dinner. My wonderful wife put a full plate of spaghetti and some garlic toast in front of me. For a millisecond I considered now eating it all. The thought soon passed. Did it ever taste good!
I started out around 8:15 or so, warmed up for about 2K and then began my first of 8, 800m repeats. I should really break this workout into two distinct groups, the first four repeats and the second four. The first four were great, they were right on target: 2:59, 2:59, 3:02, 2:58. The second four, um, well, they were bleak: 3:07, 3:11, 3:07, 3:15. Now to be fair to myself, I was almost reintroduced to my dinner from my sixth repeat on. But I told myself if my seventh repeat wasn't sub-3:05, I was finishing the eighth repeat. I can't tell you how much that hurt. Oh well, I feel great now.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Photos from 2006 Miramichi Rock'n Run 10K
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Miramichi 10K
Just a quick note before the girls wake up. I just got back from my second running of the Miramichi Rock'n Roll 10K, which also served as the provincial 10K championships. Last year, I was fifth overall, fourth in my age group and set a PB of 38:42 (or something, check the sidebar). This year, I wasn't as fast, there were faster runners but I had a great time. I went up with Bruce, who ran his first ever 5K race today. He had a smokin' time of about 31 minutes, I'm waiting to see the final results posted a bit later. I promised myself that because I hadn't trained, I wouldn't push myself. I wanted 4 min/K splits and I started that way, albeit for only 3K. I went 3:52. 4:00 and 4:02 before they all started slipping over 4:10. Whatever. It was a brilliant day for a race and I think the Miramichi race is one of the hidden gems of the Run NB series. It has a first-class set of volunteers, probably the best 10K shirt in the province and a wonderfully flat course. I would never have cracked 41 minutes today if it wasn't for the course. It was also the perfect temperature, probably about 12 degrees and overcast. When I hit 4K and I looked at my watch, I knew that breaking 40 minutes was a pipedream. But I locked in at an even pace, I never went above 4:18 min/K, which normally I would be embarassed if I even approached during a race, but today was different. I was also running with a good pack of racers. Two women and a handful of guys. We each took turns running up at the front. I was passed by about three of them around 8K and I ended up getting each of them passed again, albeit the last two with about 50 metres to go. In hindsight, perhaps I could have flirted with 40 minutes or at least 40:10 but I just didn't have it in my legs or my heart. I feel great now, my left hammy is still a tad sore but I can walk on it. I think I hear one of the girls stirring, so I'll hit send and perhaps update a bit later.
All in all another great day racing.
Update: Here is the link for the Rock'n Roll 10K results. Hopefully there will be some photos posted soon.
All in all another great day racing.
Update: Here is the link for the Rock'n Roll 10K results. Hopefully there will be some photos posted soon.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Short run
Another sorry week of running. But I'm going to race tomorrow in Miramichi. This was the race that I posted my PB last season, sadly I doubt I will come close this year. But hey, I love to race. I went out for an easy 6K this morning -- no kids! I love the grandparents. I went out at an easy 4:30 min/k average for the first 3K and averaged about 4:05 min/K on the way back. I'm not sure I can hold 4 min/K tomorrow but I'll just enjoy the event.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Speed session
Well sadly, but predictably, my weekly long run was shelved again. I'm starting to have a real anxiety about training for a marathon but not running anything over 15K, but that's for another day. I still am not feeling 100 per cent from whatever cold I contracted last week, but I figured I could at least breath last night, so I went out for my scheduled 6x800. I once read about Yasso's 800s. Yasso is this amazing marathon runner, who professes that if you can run eight or 10 800m repeats at a consistent pace that will predict your marathon time. So if you can run three-minute 800s, you can run a three-hour marathon. So last night, I aimed for three-minute 800s. I averaged that, but I wasn't as consistent as I had hoped: 2:56, 2:58, 3:02, 2:57, 3:02 and 3:04. I was seriously running on empty on the last split, I thought my time would be significantly faster when the alarm rang.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Hit and miss
This weekend has been hit and miss with my running. After feeling strong from my Friday speed workot, I had an easy run on Saturday. I wasn't feeling great, the girls weren't feeling great, so I didn't have a lot of time or energy. I added 9K to my weekly running log. I kept it nice and relaxed as I went down Lincoln Road and up through Case and back. I had intended to do my long run today but I'm feeling terrible. I hope that tomorrow will be a new day and I can swap off days. I need a long run.
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