Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday speed drills

After taking my mandatory Monday rest day after the Miramichi 10K, it was speed day in Lincoln Heights. I wish I could say that it went absolutely amazing but that would be overstating things a tad. My first mistake, as seems to always be the case when I run in the evening, is that I ate a bit too much at dinner. My wonderful wife put a full plate of spaghetti and some garlic toast in front of me. For a millisecond I considered now eating it all. The thought soon passed. Did it ever taste good!
I started out around 8:15 or so, warmed up for about 2K and then began my first of 8, 800m repeats. I should really break this workout into two distinct groups, the first four repeats and the second four. The first four were great, they were right on target: 2:59, 2:59, 3:02, 2:58. The second four, um, well, they were bleak: 3:07, 3:11, 3:07, 3:15. Now to be fair to myself, I was almost reintroduced to my dinner from my sixth repeat on. But I told myself if my seventh repeat wasn't sub-3:05, I was finishing the eighth repeat. I can't tell you how much that hurt. Oh well, I feel great now.

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