Monday, July 30, 2007

Sore legs

I capped off a decent training week on Sunday with a long run. And for the first time in quite some time, it was a long run not just because I took my time. Although my training schedule said I should be running 18 miles on Sunday, I thought that might kill me, so I compromised on 18K. I figured, I had run more than 10K in several weeks, that it might do more harm than good to run 18 miles. Understanding that I had to take it easy, I kept all my splits between 4:40 and 4:55. I had only a few sub-4:40 and only a few higher than 5 minutes. (Although I had a bizarre Garmin error around the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. There was no way I ran 5:53, so I'm assuming I was credited with a few fast splits earlier. Bizarre.) I finished in 1:27:55 or so. I felt great after I ran. My legs are a bit sore today but that's to be expected. Aside from all the little bugs that were flying around the trails, it was a splendid evening run. My wonderful wife had protested my run, which delayed it for a good hour. She kept saying that it was too humid or too hot, but I needed to get in the run. There was really no option. If I'm going to finish a marathon this season, I need to crank up the training, so skipping runs is no longer possible. Running down by the Green and the art gallery, there were a lot of people out for Sunday strolls or jogs, it was really reassuring to see so many people active.

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