Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A wonderful post-Halloween tempo

After such a fun Halloween last night with the girls, I had a ton of energy to put into my run. But instead I just had a wonderfully uninspired 5K tempo run. As I will describe, I gawked more at the scenery than my Garmin. I figured I didn't really train for the half-marathon on Sunday, so I can't get away with a normal taper. I took two days off, so instead of some intervals I opted for a tempo run.
The advantage of a tempo over intervals is that I could take better advantage of this glorious day.
I ran along the trail for the first time in ages, likely since before the election was called. Everything about it felt wonderful. The terrain felt unusually smooth, the leaves in the trees were turning myriad colours, there was no wind and the river was spectacular. My first few splits were right around 4 min/K, which is where I wanted  them. But then I opted to gaze hopelessly at the splendor of the trail. I did my best tempo training on this trail in the summer, but today I was happy just cruising.
I finished about four seconds per min/k slower than normal but I had a big smile. My Garmin is downstairs, but I think I finished  in 20:09, with average splits of 4:04 min/k. My HR was a bit higher than my last few runs, obviously, but it showed me I could have pushed harder. The average was still in the 170s.
And once I showered, I took my little, little one for a 2.7K walk around the neighborhood to prove to her that it is as beautiful as I told her! I love having a week off.

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