Friday, June 29, 2007

Not a bad week

This hasn't been a bad week for running, well compared to last week anyway. Thanks to another thunderstorm, I missed my run yesterday. I'm hoping to still get it in today, it's supposed to be a 8K tempo. On Tuesday night, I did 5x1000 repeats and I was happy with each of them, considering it is my first series of speed drills in a long time. I kept them all under four minutes, between 3:46 and 3:58. I did an extremely easy Wednesday night, 6K run. I'm not quite where I need to be on my marathon training program, but I'm getting back up there. I'm refusing to push it too hard and get myself injured. My plan at this point is to run all of the lower distances at the speed and distances called for in my program, but I'm not going to do the LSDs. This week my schedule calls for 20 miles, I'll be lucky to log 20K. But it's progress.

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