Thursday, July 13, 2006

When will I learn?

Sometimes you should just know better before you head out the door. For me, tonight was one of those times.
The short version of the evening goes like this. At lunch went with some co-workers to Mexi's and had chili/nacho plate, very good, not very healthy. When I got home tonight, I made Elle her dinner, nothing fancy some brussel sprouts, chicken, pasta and some raisins (that was to start). I nibble on some of her leftovers, she's 18 months old she thinks it's cool to share with papa.
So jump ahead two hours, everyone is now asleep and I'm getting ready for my run. Thursdays typically are a 50- to 70-minute run. But it was late and I was waffling on what to do. I looked at my long discarded training sked and my speed workout for Saturday was supposed to be a 5K race. I have no plans to run a 5K race this weekend, so I thought I could just switch my workouts. As I walked outside, I still was unsure what I was doing. As I flipped on my Garmin, it said I had 0 hours of battery remaining, so I went back inside to plug it in for 15 minutes. That solidified my plan, I'd do the 5K once I had enough juice to take the Garmin.
As I jog down to the local trail, I was programming my Virtual Partner. I love my Garmin, it has lots of wonderful features. What is not included is an "Idiot Alarm". I could have used it tonight. I plugged in a silly goal time and I wish Veep sent me a little electric shock, telling me to get real. Alas that feature must be on the 305.
So I start. And I'm flying. This feels great. Chest out, hips well aligned, shoulders relaxed. Wind in my hair, no bugs, humidity is down and I'm slightly ahead of pace. First kilometre whizzes by in 3:38. Now things are starting to slosh in my stomach. Normally even on tempo nights I do some pre-planning, nothing fancy just simple things, such as ... eating and hydrating. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I push on. Second kilometre finishes at 3:49. My mind is now set, I can ignore the chili jumping around my stomach. I take a swig of water and I think I can hold pace. Third kilometre is not much slower, I wrap it up in 3:53. Now I'm in pain. Each time I burp, the chili is revisiting the upper half of my throat. Not cool, in fact antithesis to all things cool. I'm now regretting the decision not to steal that chicken breast from my little girl, surely she would have no problem sharing. Or I could have hydrated a bit more out of her sippy cup, it was just water. Heck, I could have dived into the dog dish. I take another sip of water. I hit the fourth kilometre in 4:03. I know I'm in trouble at this point. I'm trying desperately to hang on but the Mexi's is making my life uncomfortable. My legs have lots of spring in them but each time I pick up the pace my stomach churns at the same speed as my leg turnover. Glance down at my Garmin, it tells me I've missed my goal time and I've got 250 metres to go. I knuckle down, I know the chances of me pulling a dgrant without redlining it are very good right about now. Last split concludes, mercifully, in 4:02.
I did not throw up. How I avoided that I'm still not sure. I finished the 5K in 19:27, average pace 3:54.
If someone can tell me how to download an Idiot Alarm, that would be splendid. My stomach and throat have still not forgiven me. Tonight I was dumb. Perhaps one day I will learn.

1 comment:

Love2Run said...

Mmmm, the big red stop button on the side? Unfortunately we runners have the OCD disease and feel that we must finish what we start. Better luck next time!