Monday, October 02, 2006

Slowly getting back into it

It's pouring in Fredericton today. Does it count as my interval training when I'm running from car to Second Cup, car to office, etc. to avoid the rain?
I can only get out running at night now, which is tough to get any specific training done. I essentially get out when I can and I run until it's too dark or I'm too tiried. So
I'm never quite sure what I'm going to run in the morning, it will all come down to whether I can get away in the evening.
I ran 12K last night and it felt tough at the end. I tried to keep an even pace throughout much of the run, but some of the slight incline/decline areas killed that plan. I really, really want to get a 15K run in this week so we'll see how that goes. I feel great this morning, so that is a huge bonus.

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