Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday evening repeats

I have to say, I'm starting to like 800-metre repeats. If I'm going to spend time working on speed drills, I much rather running 800s and 1,000s than 400s or other odd distances. I had a pretty decent workout on Tuesday night, although looking at my splits, one can definitely tell in which direction I was running into the wind. When running into the wind my splits were 3:02, 3:04 and 3:05 and running with the wind, my splits were 2:58, 3:00 and 3:00. I'm still working on a way to eat a bit for supper so I'm not completely sapped for energy when I start my run, but only eating enough so I'm not in pain during my drills. It's a delicate balance that I must admit, I'm still having a difficult time striking.

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