Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Week IV -- Winter Running

Week II
- Introduction
- Ask about weekly runs? Any stiffness?
- New schedule, explain
- Pace charts
How to dress for winter
Key: Layer do not bundle
Your lungs will not freeze, even though you may!

Three layers -- it's all about layering
- Base
- Thermal (or insulating)
- Shell
You don't have to spend a lot of money if you target the right pieces of clothing.

Critical. It is all about the wicking.
Keep warm and dry. Think Coolmax, polypropylene, etc
Cotton is out because it holds moisture -- sorry that old, tattered high school sweater should stay in the closet
Remember sweat freezes -- like you need to get any colder

Optional – mainly for really cold days.
Polar fleece.
It continues moisture transfer process. Traps body heat.
Waterproof/wind resistant jacket
Should prevent moisture from getting to you.

Cold winter day
Base: Long-sleeve technical shirt, medium-weight tights.
Shell: water/windproof jacket
Really, bone-chilling cold winter day
Base: Long-sleeve technical shirt, long underwear
Thermal: Fleece/technical vest/shirt, medium/heavy-weight tights
Shell: wind/waterproof jacket, wind pants
Nice fall/early winter day
Base: short-sleeve technical shirt, light-weight tights
Shell: wind/waterproof jacket or vest

Other items:
Gloves vs. mittens
-Mittens warmer: fingers together gives greater body heat.
-Major (50 per cent) heat loss from head
Wind briefs -- for the guys this is not an option, spend the money

Winter Running Tips
Don't be a hero: -30 is cold enough to find a treadmill
Do not expose skin (remember to pull tights over socks)
Apply Body Glide to any exposed skin
Adjust intensity of workout
Shorten stride to improve footing. Stay loose.
Run a loop on the really frigid, windy, icy, snowy days so you can head for home if it gets too bad.
Reflective gear -- buy extra strips if your jacket/pants don't have enough reflective gear
Head light -- I don't use one but they may work
Speedwork indoors
Steady pace – no quick accelerations or stops
Drink – keep water bottle under jacket
Get out of wet cloths quickly
-drop body heat and could trigger hypothermia
Second Cup Clause: Drink warm coffee/tea/anything to warm up core after the run

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