Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Windy Wednesday

I'm going to keep this brief, much like my run. I had intended for 12K or so, but I had a crazy busy day at work. I ended up vegging in front of a new episode of CSI: NY and getting out for a quick 5K run at 9 p.m. I decided to turn it into a tempo just to make things interesting. Well, I ended up having three "weak GPS signals" that ended up throwing my first two splits way out of whack -- 4:33 and 3:33 -- and that just meant my run spiralled out of control. I ended up finishing with a ave. 4:10 min/k, which is the range I want it right now but I just felt like I struggled the entire run. I never found my natural rhythm. But hey, I ran. And that is what counts.

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