Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday Tempo

Words cannot describe how beautiful the weather was today. I kept checking my little calendar on my laptop making sure it is really March and not May. I lots several minutes throughout the day just gazing out the window gawking at the sun-soaked capital. Aside from a little wind coming down the St. John River, the day was perfect.
After a long day at work, I went out for a tempo run. I am experimenting with different routes around the neighbourhood to try and eliminate unnecessary hills on my tempo runs. I was unsuccessful, but I still had a decent run, 1K warm-up, 1K cooldown and a 6K tempo. Splits: 5:05, 4:01, 4:06, 4:25 (the darn hill), 4:18, 4:14, 4:01 and 5:00.
During my 4:25 split, I was heading up the hill by the farm, trying to stuff my gloves in my pocket and grab a drink of water. Those middle splits were terrible time-wise but overall I'm happy with the run.

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