Friday, June 02, 2006

First run post Ottawa

I had my first post-NCM run on Thursday night. I'm about to start another training schedule with an end date in eight weeks at the Clarence Bastarache 10K race in Bouctouche. There is where I set my 10K PB last year, so let's hope we can do that two years in a row.
The training program that I'm going to adopt scheduled a 65-minute easy run last night but I finished work late and I had no interest in running that long. So I did an 8K run at a 4:35 min/k pace. I really wanted to keep this one slower than usual to help recover. One problem that I'm trying to shake is that I push my easy runs too hard so I don't allow my body to recover enough for my intense tempo runs/intervals.
Friday is a rest day. I love rest days!

1 comment:

Love2Run said...

I love rest days too! Body heals while the runner recharges the mental batteries ;-)