Monday, June 05, 2006

PPD (Rain)

Forgot improving my anerobic base, I think I need to start learning how to build an arc and starting to collect animals two by two. The rain is unbelievable. I bailed on my 90-minute run today (Sunday), it was just way too rainy. I know I sound like a big wimp, but it was absolutely pouring. I've lived in wonderful British Columbia where the rain never seems to cease, but this was silly. I went for a 34-minute speed session Saturday night and when I returned I was completely soaked ... and it is raining a lot harder now than it was then. Not only would it have been freezing, avoiding puddles can be dangerous after awhile and I'm not going to risk injury at the beginning of racing season.
Monday is supposed to be a rest day, so hopefully it will be sunny and I can just switch days.

1 comment:

Love2Run said...

rain? what rain? i got soaked and alot of funny looks from family & folks out there this weekend!