Saturday, June 03, 2006

Saturday wet speed session

I just had my first speed session since NCM. It could have been much worse. However as any Atlantic Canadians can attest it is absolutely pouring rain right now.
As for my workout, it was an odd distance. My new training program called for 2x3K (well actually 2x2 miles but I only think in kilometres). I warmed up for about 1.5K but it was raining too hard for me to "waste" any more time before my actual run started (I typically don't think of warm-ups as wasted time but it was pretty wet out). My first 3K split seems fast but I did have the benefit of a nice downhill portion early on. My splits were 11:45 (ave. pace 3:55) and 11:54 (ave. page 3:58 ). My HR averaged 176 BPM, which may have been a bit high but I haven't worn my HRM in more than a month so I don't know where my heart is on my speed workouts of late.
Ok, well I should probably go and dry some clothes or something...

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