Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Now that is more like it

Work was hectic today. So by the time I filed and bathed Elle, dusk had descended upon us. Undaunted I felt it was time to test out this damned toe. The mission was simple: run but not kill myself.
To guard against a painful flare-up halfway through the run forcing me to limp home, I opted to run around the block. First lap, I just glided along in 12:30. At that point I was marvelling the fact that I was still alive so I banged out at 12-minute loop. The last lap wrapped up in 11:30. I didn't light the course on fire but I'm still walking and smiling. That was my primary objective.
So the terrible toe. I'm not limping. And I didn't feel it held me back too much although I wasn't pushing myself. At worst it felt like I had a pointy rock in my shoe that was digging into my foot. There was a small burning sensation, surprisingly enough it didn't cause death. So I continued running.
The big test, however, is going to be tomorrow. I'm praying that I wake up feeling no ill effects. If that is the case I will attempt 10K.

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