Sunday, February 26, 2006

Have we moved to Chicago?

Last week, we ran the farm course and the wind was leathal. It was blowing so hard that on the way down the hill past the agricultural complex it felt like we were going back up. The river just seemed to generate more wind. This week we decided to head back to the complex to run our 11K. I must say at the outset, it was a glorious day. Big bright sun, shining off the new layer of snow. There was one more thing, the wind -- again. Admittedly, it wasn't as strong as last week but it just cuts through your jacket, tights and finds any exposed skin. I'm getting cold just thinking of it again. It's like we've been picked up and transplanted in Chicago, although smaller, no major sporting teams and no world-renowned marathon.
That said, I am continually impressed with how strong everyone is, considering eight weeks ago their main goal was to run 10K and now we're at 11K.
The RR Run group went for an easy 3K loop this morning. I brought Belle out, she is growing more enamoured with the whole concept of running. Seeing her run beside me with little ice formations hanging off her snout makes me laugh every time. She loves the 3K distance, though I think she is getting ready to try her luck at 5K.

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