Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Nooner with Veep

Ok, get your mind out of the gutter. Veep is my Virtual Partner on my Garmin, get it V.P ... Veep ... it's like the vice-president, except this one doesn't shoot me with buckshot when we're hunting quail.
I was driving home after getting Belle from the groomer and I realized I hadn't run during the week in about 10 days. Glancing at my watch and realizing that I had my lunch in the fridge at work, I decided to lace up the Asics and go for a run. I haven't run 10K by myself in weeks, so I thought I'd do that and give myself a bit of a challenge. I told Veep that I wanted to run it in 42 minutes. Off I went, blazing up Adams and onto the Lincoln Road. My first split was amazing then the perfect running storm hit, not enough fuel in the tank, terrible footing and that relentless, driving wind off the river. My splits started increasing especially as those inclines started hitting me. I was beating Veep by about 150 metres until I hit the top of the hill next to the farm. After that, I only saw Veep's digital back. I never got farther than 250 meters behind the little techno twerp, but I felt he was scoffing at my abilities.
I could make a litany of excuses why I couldn't keep up with Veep, while they would all be perfectly valid, it would be a waste of time. I felt strong at several parts of the run, but I just couldn't catch up near the end. Even though Veep was mocking me near the end of the run, my breathing was solid and my legs were eager to keep going.
I finished the 10K in 43:26 with an average HR of 183 and a MHR of 191. My splits: 4:03, 4:14, 4:16, 4:24, 4:34, 4:25, 4:10, 4:27, 4:26, 4:22.

1 comment:

JGC Photography said...

Dan, hope you make it to Ottawa! Good Luck. It really is a great race weekend.