Monday, February 13, 2006

Monday night tempo

I'm currently watching a CTV Newsnet debate between Ezra Levant, the publisher of the Western Standard which just published the controversial Mohammed cartoons, and Tarek Fatah, a Canadian Muslim leader. I know Ez from his old Reform days as a Snack Packer with Jason Kenney, Rob Anders and Rahim Jaffer. He is a piece of work, but he is great TV. I am an ardent proponent of freedom of the press, but right now I'm opposed to running these cartoons. After the rioting and violence, publishing the cartoons at this point is about provocation and not press freedom. Anyway, this is a running blog not one about media rights.

So tonight I got out for a tempo run. I was debating whether I should do a long distance run or do some more tempo work. It snowed last night so the footing was slippery, which made me lean toward a LSD but I couldn't get out until 7:45 p.m., so I thought a fast tempo run would be better. I did the exactly same course as last week and had fairly similar times, which is amazing considering the difference in road conditions. I finished in 35:26 with splits of: 5:10, 4:39, 4:04, 4:08, 4:12, 4:13, 4:13 and 4:44. My average heart rate was 175 bpm and a max at 190 bpm.

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