Monday, January 16, 2006

Beating the cold

I blame Gary for my evening run. He is goading me into running the Ottawa half-marathon on May 28 and I may be taking the bait. I have scoured the Internet looking for a half-marathon training program that will allow me to ease into a schedule that will get me ready for running 21.1K in 18 weeks but not re-injure my hamstring. This is actually great timing as the weekend RR clinic session is on goal-setting and program building. I promised Gary that I would think about it and I would try and get myself into a position where if I decide to go I've been logging enough kilometres to not embarrass myself in the nation's capital.
After I put Elle to bed tonight I suited up in my warmest running gear. We're talking long-sleeved shirt, thick tights and balaclava; just read the suggested attire for bone-chilling cold nights and that was me. It was freezing.
Not only was my breath visible, the footing was poor, prompting me to take it easy. To top it off, I was also getting pounded by gusting wind, it seemed, around every corner. I went out to Case Road and did two laps of the hill. I had to make sure I didn't slip on the black ice as I gallivanted down the decline.
Overall, I'm happy with the run, my splits: 5:07, 4:57, 5:20, 5:08, 4:57, 5:08, 5:16, 5:07 and 4:38. According to my Garmin my average HR was 175 and I cannot imagine it was that high. I was comfortable the entire time. But if that is what the machine says ... Now I'm eager to see how my legs feel tomorrow morning.
Map of Lincoln Heights/Roadx2 Case
Lincoln Heights/Roadx2 Case

1 comment:

JGC Photography said...

Dan, saw your post on Running Room about your blog. 3:59:59 here could you update my link to and I will add your link to my blog. Keep on running. By the way I'm originally from Edmundston and went to UNB.